The Influence Of Leadership And Work Environment On Job Satisfaction Through The Motivation Of Office Employees Sub-District Of North Bekasi Bekasi City


  • Nita Agustin Puspita Sari Universitas Krisnadwipayana


Leadership, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, Motivation


This study aims to determine how much influence Leadership and Work Environment have on Job Satisfaction through Employee Motivation in the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. This research aims to determine 1). The influence of leadership on job satisfaction of employees of the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. 2). The effect of the work environment on job satisfaction of employees of the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. 3). The effect of motivation on job satisfaction of employees of the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. 4). The influence of leadership on the motivation of employees of the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. 5). The influence of the work environment on the motivation of employees of the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. 6). The influence of leadership on job satisfaction through the motivation of employees of the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. 7). The influence of the work environment on job satisfaction through the motivation of employees of the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. 8). The influence of leadership and work environment on job satisfaction through the motivation of employees of the North Bekasi District Office, Bekasi City. This study uses the method of path analysis / path analysis. The population in this study were all employees of the Bekasi Utara District office, Bekasi City, totaling 65 employees using the non-probability sampling method. In writing this data analysis method using the qualitative data collection stage, namely (questionnaire answers) into quantitative data The results of the research are as follows, 1). That the results of the study influence leadership on job satisfaction


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How to Cite

Nita Agustin Puspita Sari. (2022). The Influence Of Leadership And Work Environment On Job Satisfaction Through The Motivation Of Office Employees Sub-District Of North Bekasi Bekasi City. Krisnadwipayana International Journal of Management Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from