Peer Review Policy


Manuscripts that will be published in Krisnadwipayana International Journal of Management Studies will be reviewed by 2 reviewers from independent partners. Starred partners are reviewers who are experts in the field of accounting science. They will examine the substance of the manuscript to be published in the Krisnadwipayana International Journal of Management Studies The Editor will give a minimum four weeks deadline for manuscript review. The reviewers have the right to provide input and criticism on the manuscript. Each submitted manuscript will go through a peer review process with the following stages:

  1. The Editorial Board conducts technical and administrative assessments of submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts that do not meet the conditions stated in the Focus and Writing Guidelines, will be returned to the author.
  2. The Editorial Board continues the manuscripts that pass the technical and administrative assessment for a blind peer review process. Manuscripts that do not pass the technical and administrative assessment will be returned to the author with a note from the editor (rejected or revision required).
  3. Reviewers review the manuscript and make recommendations.
  4. The editor conveys the results of the assessment and recommendations to the author along with the revision deadline.
  5. The editor will send a ready-to-publish copy to the author prior to publication for approval and irrevocability